
This may just be the best type of exercise for your mental health...

This may just be the best type of exercise for your mental health...
But a new metanalysis suggests the type of exercise we choose still matters. The paper, published in the journal Sport’s Medicine, found that dance is as good – and sometimes better – than other types of physical activity (including running or going to the gym) for improving emotional well-being, depression, social cognition and some aspects of memory. Continue reading

How a negativity bias can be hijacking your success

For most of her life, Kim Forrester would end up in an emotional tailspin when she received negative criticism. Living with a deep-seated sense of unworthiness, she found that any mean or careless feedback triggered her insecurities. She could feel incredibly loved, supported and appreciated by those around her. But a single negative comment would send her over the edge. Learn how to change your perspective and mindset when it comes to negativity in order to give yourself the best chance of being happy and successful.  Continue reading

When and what to eat at lunch for a healthier brain and body

When and what to eat at lunch for a healthier brain and body
People believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, it is lunch meals that can make the biggest impact to your day. Read our latest blog post to find out why lunch is important, healthy food options and how it affects your metabolism. Continue reading

How late-night trips to the fridge is affecting your health

Many of us reach for comfort foods like ice cream and leftover takeaway after a long day. But if you make late-night snacking a regular habit, it could have unintended consequences on your health, experts say.

According to a recent study of the eating habits of more than 34,000 US adults, nearly 60 per cent said it was normal for them to eat after 9pm.

Read our latest blog post to understand why eating closer to bed time can impact your overall health.

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Menopause changes the brain. Here are 3 ways to protect it

Menopause changes the brain. Here are 3 ways to protect it
In Australia, up to one in 10 people over 65 are affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Almost two-thirds of them are women – a discrepancy that researchers have long attributed to genetics and women’s longer life spans, among other reasons. But there is growing consensus that menopause may also be an important risk factor for the development of dementia later in life. Continue reading

Exercising needed for the typical office worker

Exercising needed for the typical office worker

Our bodies are designed to move, but our lifestyles are designed to minimise movement and effort, so we have a unique quandary: how do we balance the needs of our bodies with the construct of modern living?

With so few people meeting the guidelines for the physical activity needed to maintain our health, public health researchers have increasingly turned their attention to the least amount of stimulus our bodies need to have an effect.

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What the state of your tongue really says about your health?

What the state of your tongue really says about your health?
In the 2000-year-old practice of Chinese medicine, the tongue holds a special place and is regarded as a crucial diagnostic tool, explains Professor Danforn Lim, a dually registered specialist medical practitioner and Chinese medicine practitioner. Learn about what your tongue says about your health today! Continue reading